The Identity and Beyond Blog

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Revolutionizing Fraud Detection

How AI and Machine Learning Advancements are Revolutionizing Fraud Detection

July 26, 2024

Fraud detection is a critical concern for many industries, from financial institutions to gaming operators, as the threat of identity theft and fraudulent activities become more common. And unfortunately, some older or traditional detection systems are becoming ineffective against fraud and cybercriminals. However, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models are able to put…

Address Verification Compliance

How to Maintain Compliance in Address Verification

July 25, 2024

Address verification is one of the easiest and most effective ways to bolster your company’s security. This process involves gathering address information, verifying correct addresses and flagging accounts that are not using valid addresses. Thanks to modern technology, you can efficiently verify addresses in the background while performing other identity checks. Address verification is important…

What Is Synthetic Identity Fraud?

July 23, 2024

Identity fraud is a major concern for any company, particularly for those in the financial industry. One scam you need to guard against is synthetic identity fraud, a fast-growing type of identity theft that uses a combination of real and fake information. Sometimes known as Frankenstein IDs, criminals create these fake identities by stitching together…

How to Evaluate Identity Verification Technology

July 22, 2024

If you’re confused by all the identity verification solutions on the market and how they’re different, you’re not alone. With everyone claiming to have the fastest and most accurate solution for helping you know and trust your customers, it can be hard to decide which one is really the best. The technical jargon makes it…

Financial Crime Risk Management: What and Why?

Financial Crime Risk Management: What is it and Why is it Important?

July 17, 2024

Financial crime risk management is the proactive identification and management of risks associated with financial crimes. It is a critical component of any financial organization’s operations and is essential for reducing an organization’s vulnerabilities, as well as managing its overall risk appetite. Financial crime risk management should be a regular practice for financial services organizations…

7 Types of Identity Spoofing

7 Types of Identity Spoofing — How to Spot and Stop Them

July 09, 2024

Cyberattacks are on the rise, and the threat of stolen personal information and identity theft has never been greater. Businesses and individuals alike must stay vigilant against cybercriminals. One of the most significant threats is identity spoofing. Identity spoofing involves cybercriminals pretending to be someone else to deceive victims into sharing information. Recognizing the warning…

5 Ways to Stop Bots

5 Ways to Stop Bots: Comparing Today’s Technologies

May 30, 2024

Bots are autonomous programs on the internet. In the hands of fraudsters, they have become a serious menace, as they are capable of creating fake accounts, signing into existing accounts using stolen credentials, leaving comments on social media posing as an actual human, and much more — all at frightening speed and scale. Businesses use…

Call to Action: Protect College Students from Online Fraud

Protecting College Students from Online Fraud: A Call to Action for Higher Education Institutions

May 23, 2024

In an era where technology is the foundation of everything we do, the rise of deepfakes and identity theft presents significant challenges for college students and the institutions that serve them. As these threats evolve, higher education institutions must adopt comprehensive strategies to protect their students and themselves from fraud. This involves not only educating…

image of women sitting down with her legs crossed looking at her smart device. The women is wearing glasses with a suitcase next to her. Text on image reads: Know Your Traveler.

How to Increase Customer Satisfaction and Reduce Fraud in the Travel and Hospitality Industry

May 22, 2024

With the dramatic rise of criminals using generative AI to defraud companies, it’s not just banks and financial services organizations who are at risk. Companies in the travel and hospitality industry — and their customers — are increasingly suffering from fraud attacks. Meanwhile, 75% of travelers say they’d rather use biometrics in place of passports…

The Rise of Cross-sector Collaboration in the Payments Industry

May 16, 2024

As the payments industry grapples with increasingly sophisticated fraud technologies such as deepfakes and generative AI, the importance of collaboration across sectors is gaining recognition. Financial institutions, ecommerce sites, government agencies and others are realizing that cooperation and sharing of fraud data can drastically reduce crime and financial losses. Let’s take a closer look at…

blog text reads: Infographic. Jumio 2024 Online Identity Study. 3 Key findings. Jumio logo

3 Key Findings from Jumio’s 2024 Online Identity Consumer Study [Infographic]

May 14, 2024

Now in its third year, the annual Jumio Online Identity Study explores consumer awareness and sentiment around issues involving online identity, fraud risks, and current methods used to protect consumer identity data. This year’s results highlight significant concerns among consumers about the risks associated with generative AI and deepfakes, including the potential for increased cybercrime…

image of woman taking selfie with face biometrics lines. Phone screen with selfie is shown in middle of image. Image text reads: Outsmart fraud.

How Regional Banks Can Outsmart Fraud

May 08, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, regional banks are vital players in providing banking services to their communities. However, they face a significant challenge in combating fraud, which threatens the security of their customers’ financial assets and erodes trust in their institutions. Check fraud is especially problematic and is growing at an alarming rate. Regional…